Anyone watching weather maps will see that the Midwest tates s(and Michigan!)are experiencing an unusual heat wave in the middle of March 2012. So do we begin to do our spring cleaning...knowing that there may be a cold snap (and a "dump" of snow) in the near future?
Gardening experts seem to say...go ahead and clear your garden beds...that spring plants are heartier than we can imagine! Although, they do indicate that in the case of a freeze you may wish to cover your iris with a light cloth cover if they are more than 2 inches up from the ground!
Iris like to have a lot of space (air) around them, so if you have a chance to clear any weeds or grass that may be around their rhizomes (the bulb like item that the green stalk grows out of) this is helpful!
Go ahead after you clean your bed to use an item such as weed and preen which will keep your beds free of grass and allow your iris plants to breathe.
Happy Gardening. Feel free to check out all the iris at