Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Article courtesy of Iriswarehouse.com.

Want to impress your iris buddies with "iris speak"?  Do you know what "plicata" means?  How about "amoena"?  

Below are some of the terms that are important to those growing and purchasing iris.  Practice the lingo of iris and you will soon be rubbing shoulders with the best of the iris growers!

Have fun growing your iris plants!

Use your new terminology talent on the Smiling Gold Iris, Ernst (1991) above.  Beard color (?), standard color (?), falls color (?).  Send an email for answers!  Hint:  perhaps yellow!
photo copyright:  iriswarehouse.com

Descriptive Terms
Amoena — White standards, colored falls
Beard — Grouping of hairs at the top of the falls. Beards may be a variety of colors.
Bi-color — Light to medium standards, darker contrasting falls
Bi-tone — Two tones of the same color
Blend — Two or more colors blended together
Falls — 3 lower petals of iris flower
Flounces — Appendages extending from the tip of the beard like little petals
Hafts — Top part of falls (area surrounding beard)
Horns — Spears extending from the tip of the beards
Luminata — Wash of color in falls with paler veining; clear unmarked area on hafts; usually paler edge to petals
Neglecta — Blue standards, darker colored falls
Plicata — Stippled or stitched margin color on lighter ground color
Rebloomer / Remontant
 — Iris that blooms in any other season in addition to its normal spring bloom time; also called remontant
Self — An iris of one's own color (i.e. only yellow bloom, no mixture of color)
Space Ager  — Iris with flounces, horns or spoons
Spoons — Spooned appendages extending from beard
Standards — 3 upper petals of iris flower
Style arms — Small stiff segments above the beards
Variegata — Yellow standards, reddish colored falls
All iris plants have 3 standards and 3 falls.

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