Sunday, April 1, 2012

Is there Really a True Black Iris?

Is there Really a Black Iris?

BEFORE THE STORM IRIS  photo courtesy

Is there Really a Black Iris?

The argument will continue among iris enthusiasts as to whether there is a true "black" iris, or in fact whether the standard purple just gets darker and darker with specialty breeding.  

Above, please find two examples (and another below) of iris varieties that are deep, dark versions and "so called" black iris.   

Before the Storm Iris

The first iris photo above, "Before the Storm," is an iris by hybridizer Innerst and was registered with the American Iris Society (AIS) in 1989.  A tall bearded variety (approx. 37" tall), the fragrant bloomer is wonderful and a later blooming season variety.  The iris was an award winner, winning an Honorable Mention from AIS in 1991, AM in 1993, Wister Medal in 1995 and the coveted Dykes Medal in 1998. 
You can see that an argument can be made that this is indeed a black, dark iris.

Back in Black Iris

When you see "Back in Black" iris compared  with Before the Storm iris you can visibly see that there are indeed shades of black in named irises.

Back in Black is a wonderful variety that almost has red tones in it.  Hybridized by Schreiner's and registered in 1986, it is also a tall bearded iris that is approximately 38" tall.  It's dark black velvety color was also awarded an Honorable Mention from AIS!  Blooms on Back in Black tend to also be mid to late season blooms.

Superstition Iris 

Back in 1977, when Superstition was registered, you can imagine the talk that this dark iris created!  It's deepest purple self with a blue-black beard was the talk of the iris world!  No proper iris garden is still complete without a black iris or the complimentary iris Superstition (black) and Immortality (white)...both reblooming iris in many parts of the US!  (have multiple growing seasons).  Superstition is a tall bearded iris (approx. 36' tall) Hybridized by Schreiner's.  Awards:  HM in 1978 and AM in 1981.


Garden displays

So, feel free to experiment with the black iris in your garden!  We have seen some extraordinary contemporary displays in black and white.

I have even seen an outstanding bold display of black and pink that included art structures in the same colors!


Monday, March 19, 2012

Heat Wave in the Middle of Winter

Anyone watching weather maps will see that the Midwest tates s(and Michigan!)are experiencing an unusual heat wave in the middle of March 2012.  So do we begin to do our spring cleaning...knowing that there may be a cold snap (and a "dump" of snow) in the near future?

Gardening experts seem to say...go ahead and clear your garden beds...that spring plants are heartier than we can imagine!  Although, they do indicate that in the case of a freeze you may wish to cover your iris with a light cloth cover if they are more than 2 inches up from the ground!   

Iris like to have a lot of space (air) around them, so if you have a chance to clear any weeds or grass that may be around their rhizomes (the bulb like item that the green stalk grows out of) this is helpful!

Go ahead after you clean your bed to use an item such as weed and preen which will keep your beds free of grass and allow your iris plants to breathe.

Happy Gardening.  Feel free to check out all the iris at

Sunday, February 5, 2012

& DAYLILYWAREHOUSE.COM.  COPYRIGHT 2011.  All rights reserved.

There are a number of gardeners that look for lavender blooms for their gardens.  The daylily Swallow Tail Kite Daylily is a lovely addition to purple gardens.  In addition to it's unique shape, the stark difference of a light eyezone makes this daylily stand out in your garden.

In addition to it's beauty, this daylily is FRAGRANT!
Great price at $12.99. & have additional lavender & orchid daylilies for your gardening pleasure.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

University of Michigan Gardeners take heed!
Blue & Gold Iris, Bright 'N Breezy

Photo compliments of  Bright 'N Breezy Iris, Blue & Gold colors

For those of you that have school color gardens, here is an iris that provides an usual mixture:  blue & yellow (or maize & blue as the Michigan Wolverines of the University of Michigan would call it!) has a terrific group of iris & daylilies to create the perfect display for your show your "favorite school spirit garden".

Creative garden displays with school colors include garden art along with flowers to promote your favorite college or high school.  Why don't you try it in your own garden!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Photo compliments & copyright 2012 by &
All rights reserved.  Photocopying prohibited unless with permission.

Unique Display Daylilies /

This is certainly one case where an orange/gold daylily
should never get a "bad rap".  The beautiful, Unique Daylily 
typical by the side of the road daylily!

Hybridized by Wild and registered in 1989, it wonderfully 
fragrant, and has a gold and orange brushed appearance that certainly stands out in your garden!  It has a wonderful 
fragrance and IS A REBLOOMER TO BOOT!  Take your 
time to check it out!  At a mere $5.99 order a few to begin 
the unique display explosion in your garden.  (An 
early-midseason bloomer!)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Photo Copyright 2012. &  ENJOY daylily
All rights reserved

How do you make sure that your garden is a continual riot of colors?  Be sure to include some daylilies that are in each bloom category:  early, early-midseason, midseason & late season!  

There is a fabulous website that can provide you with this information.  Daylilies are categorized by season and therefore make it easy for you to have daylilies blooming until late September (or even October!)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Whispering Iris :
Melba Hamblin, Hybridizer

                  Truly a lovely iris that you should consider adding to your garden.  Melba Hamblin developed a number of classic gorgeous plants that you should check out!
              Whispering iris is a tall bearded version, available at Iriswarehouse for the frugal price of $4.99!  What makes this iris desirable is that it has a good long bloom time and extends into the late iris season.  It is a classic (1988) that you might want to include in your garden before it disappears!

Whispering Iris, Iriswarehouse & Daylilywarehouse, Tall Bearded, Hybridizer, Melba Hamblin, Registered 1988. Height, approx. 34", Mid-season to Late Season. Parentage: Dance Away X Nancy Glazier

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chanted Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris
           Chanted, Standard dwarf bearded iris at $5.99 is a wonderful, prolific iris producer.  Purchase a duo of this iris and in two seasons you will should have a enough to pass on to your neighbors!  
          We can't say enough about this tiny wonder.  Another advantage of this iris is that it is perfect for your border and seems to appear midseason just in time to make a riotous scene!  If you enjoy pink iris, you will enjoy Chanted's smoky beauty.

Chanted, Standard Dwarf Bearded, (Hybridizer, Barry Blyth, R. 1990), 12-14", Midseason, Pink with smoky cast, beards are lavender blue, tangerine in the throat. Perfect for the front of your garden border! Parentage: Oladi X (Peach Eyes x kandi Moon). Tempo Two 1990/91 Seedling: X10-3 Wonderful for pink garden.

River Nile Daylily / Daylilywarehouse

         This gorgeous daylily at $6.99 from Iriswarehouse & Daylilywarehouse is a gem of a sale!  The daylily is a tetraploid (has more chromosomes than most daylilies) and therefore is a bit sturdier with a thicker stalk. 

          Those lucky enough to own this beauty will learn that it is indeed a remontant daylily (rebloomer).  Not only will this beauty bloom mid-season for you, it will also often throw a 2nd LATE showing at the end of the season.

          Blooms are large (about 6") and the daylily is best displayed mid-garden to near front as it is just a bit above 2 feet tall.

River Nile Daylily, Iriswarehouse & Daylilywarehouse, Registered 1990, Hybridizer, Moldovan,Tetraploid, Height, 26", Bloom size, 6", Midseason-Late season, Rebloomer! Dor, Med violet-mauve blend edged white, bluish-grey watrmrk

Saturday, January 14, 2012

For the gardening expert that loves to read and receive catalogs, be sure to visit Cyndi's Catalog of Garden Catalogs.  Cyndi has an amazing collection of catalogs and gives information about the service of gardening companies and  estimated price of products.  Here is the link to Cyndi's site. and are proud to be included in her listings!