Friday, February 3, 2012

Photo compliments & copyright 2012 by &
All rights reserved.  Photocopying prohibited unless with permission.

Unique Display Daylilies /

This is certainly one case where an orange/gold daylily
should never get a "bad rap".  The beautiful, Unique Daylily 
typical by the side of the road daylily!

Hybridized by Wild and registered in 1989, it wonderfully 
fragrant, and has a gold and orange brushed appearance that certainly stands out in your garden!  It has a wonderful 
fragrance and IS A REBLOOMER TO BOOT!  Take your 
time to check it out!  At a mere $5.99 order a few to begin 
the unique display explosion in your garden.  (An 
early-midseason bloomer!)

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